Friday, July 6, 2012

crazy lady ramblings

What does it mean to be proud of someone? Why do people feel the desire to make others proud of them?

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I am disgusted with myself. When I look in the mirror I get sick. I cannot believe how much I’ve let myself go. I have gained back almost all the weight I lost all those years ago and I am embarrassed. I have realized that I have been avoiding certain things because of my embarrassment of how much weight I have gained. I do not want and will not hang out my husbands friends because I am embarrassed by how I look. I feel bad for my husband that he is married to such a fatty. I am not the woman he married and I hate myself for it. I really NEED to do something about it. I need to get serious about losing weight. I told my best friend last week that I was going to get back on track and then I continued to eat like crap and sit on my ass. I know the secret to losing weight. I need to eat less and get off my ass and be more active. It sounds simple enough. However, I love food. Food is my addiction. I can no longer give people crap for smoking because for the life of me I cannot break my addiction to food.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I train with Steve, just so you know...

Today was weigh in day. I am only down .2 pounds from last wednesday but I will take it! I mean at least the scale is moving in the right direction, right?

I have found something I really, really, enjoy. Green Monsters! Information and recipes can be found here . There are lots of ways to make them but the way I like mine is

1 Tablespoon Flax seed
1 Cup spinach
1 Cup almond milk
1 Banana

blend that all up and then add 6 or 8 icecubes and blend again. It tastes like a banana milkshake I swear!!

I also want to share a video found. So funny!!


Monday, January 16, 2012

Week One

Week one went great and I am down 8.2 pounds! I found some good blogs for motivation and tried some new recipes. I wish I could say I kept track of what I ate and its points plus values 100% but I started out doing good and then over the weekend I stopped. Today is Monday though and I am back on track. Pretty sure I used all my weeklies over the weekend and I am ok with that.
 I took before pictures so I am excited to see where this journey will lead me. I am thinking of taking pictures for every 10 pounds lost. I know that it will not be noticeable in the beginning but I think it’s something I will look forward to and can use as motivation to keep trucking along. I know I should do measurements but that just seems like a lot of work.
I need to play around with this blog a bit more.  I want to put links to my favorite blogs on the side and I need to learn how to post pictures. I would love to post some of the new recipes I have been trying.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Where to begin?

It’s been awhile. I wish I could say during my time away I found the skinny girl in me but instead she’s gotten buried further inside as I have gotten even bigger.  Since my last post I suffered from a bout of plantar fasciitis which I tried to ignore and continue running. That turned out to be a very bad idea. I had to stop exercising since I could barely walk and went to the Good Feet Store to get fitted for orthotics.  Plantar fasciitis gets better if you rest and your foot and because I had an excuse not to exercise I used it. Since I wasn’t exercising any resemblance of a diet eventually went out the window as well. Since then I have gained the little I had lost plus an extra 20 pounds. Ouch!! I cannot believe I let myself get so much out of control. I almost weigh as much as I did at my heaviest. I worked so hard to lose the weight the first time that I cannot believe I let myself go back to that.  On Monday last week I stepped on the scale and decided enough is enough.  It’s a new year and what better time to make a change than now? Since then I have come up with a game plan to fight the fat.
1.) Try new recipes and cook more often
2.) Pack lunch, supper and healthy snacks for work
3.) Keep a food journal and track everything
4.) Try to stay busy so I don’t just eat out of boredom
5.) Find blogs to read daily to inspire/motivate me