Sunday, March 27, 2011

who knew I would actually like running?

I am horrible at updating. I ran my first 5k and I actually had fun! so much in fact that I signed up for 2 more!! Im up to running for 20 minutes before I need to take a quick break for a drink and such. today I ran taking a couple short walking breaks and went 3.3 miles in 40 minutes. I didnt run nonstop however, so I couldnt tell you how much of that was walking but I know I didnt walk much. I also increased my spead to 5.4mph just because. I havent been so good at watching what I eat but Ive been focusing more on pushing myself at the gym. Putting in a good workout makes me feel good. In 3 weeks I will be doing my second 5k and my goal is to run the first 2 miles without walking. My first 5k I was able to keep up with everyone for the first mile before I needed to walk and in the end I only finished a minute behind them!! Then, when the Fargo 5k comes around hopefully I will be able to run the whole thing!!