Monday, January 16, 2012

Week One

Week one went great and I am down 8.2 pounds! I found some good blogs for motivation and tried some new recipes. I wish I could say I kept track of what I ate and its points plus values 100% but I started out doing good and then over the weekend I stopped. Today is Monday though and I am back on track. Pretty sure I used all my weeklies over the weekend and I am ok with that.
 I took before pictures so I am excited to see where this journey will lead me. I am thinking of taking pictures for every 10 pounds lost. I know that it will not be noticeable in the beginning but I think it’s something I will look forward to and can use as motivation to keep trucking along. I know I should do measurements but that just seems like a lot of work.
I need to play around with this blog a bit more.  I want to put links to my favorite blogs on the side and I need to learn how to post pictures. I would love to post some of the new recipes I have been trying.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I am so excited about your loss! You will do wonderful!
