Friday, October 8, 2010

Today is the day!!

       Well, actually Wednesday was the day! It was the day I stepped on the scale and decided I have had enough! I couldn't believe what the scale said. I have always been overweight. In high school I dreaded going to the doctor because they would weigh me. I never weighed myself and each year during doctor's visits is when I would learn how much weight I had gained since my previous visit.

        During my last year in college I started weight watchers with a group of friends and for the first time in my life I started losing weight instead of gaining. Over a couple of years I went from a whopping 298 pounds down to 189. I felt great about myself and I swore I would never let myself gain the weight back.

          Then I fell in love, got married, and somehow find myself creeping back to where I was. My husband loves me no matter how big or small I am. He is the best. I know part of my problem is that I am so comfortable with my husband that I have let myself go. We have only been married a year and a half so I dont even know how I have let this has happen. When we were dating I hated eating in front of him and if I did I would eat like a bird. I would go to work during the day and then spend my nights with him. I never ate much at night and would often go to bed hungry. I continued losing weight. Back then I was also more active. I made time in my life to work out or my husband and I would go for walks or bike rides. We got married April 4, 2009 and once the cold weather hit we stopped playing outside and I started gaining weight. I told myself it was just winter weight and that I would lose it come summer. Then summer came and went and still instead of losing weight I have been gaining.

       So Wednesday was the day. It was the moment in my life where I stopped and asked "how did I let this happen?" It was also the moment I decided "I can do something about this. I will do something about this. I have done this before and I can do it again!" That is going to be my mantra during my journey to becoming a healthier me.

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